Switzerland is now Six-word-Land
August 1, 2011, 8 Comments
How would you describe Switzerland in six words? A creative challenge for Swiss National Day today.
To celebrate Switzerland’s birthday, I thought it would be fun to see how imaginative we can all be. Six little words (or very long ones if you want to do this in German!), not a lot of room for too much creativity. But I’m sure that you can come up with something interesting.
Maybe something topical:
- Happy 720th Birthday to you Switzerland
What about all those clichés? The poetry I learnt at school always seemed to be in rhyming couplets, so here are six rhyming clichés:
- Chocs, cheese, banks, clocks, skis, francs
Or maybe you actually don’t like anything about Switzerland (something I can’t imagine can be true of anyone who lives here), and need to vent a few choice adjectives:
- Bureaucratic, expensive, neutral, xenophobic, landlocked, dull
But so much nicer to concentrate on the positives, mainly because there are so many:
- Beautiful scenery, wonderful trains, lovely people
I’ll leave you with my real contribution to this bit of holiday fun, before I go off to watch hundreds of cervelat being grilled and then the annual fireworks (the real way to spend Swiss National Day, as I wrote this time last year).
- The land of milk and money
So tell me how you would describe Switzerland in six words, and I’ll post all the entries here. The best one might even get a prize; it is a birthday after all.
8 Comments on "Switzerland is now Six-word-Land"
Pretty polished picturesque portfolio of peaks
great alliteration
“Bureaucratic, expensive, neutral, xenophobic, landlocked, dull” – is this meant to be a list of negative adjectives? Neither “neutral” nor “landlocked” strike me as necessarily negative. But then I’m Swiss
Being a landlocked country has some advantages (e.g. certainly no tsunamis)… and Switzerland’s neutrality served it well in the past, and the international community too (see e.g. all the international institutions based in Geneva as a neutral place), although there are also the negative and sometimes hypocritical aspects of neutrality, of course.
Landlocked is negative for someone who grew up by the sea! As for neutral, it often seems to be in name only, as you say.
I’m only ‘virtually’ back. Still off researching, and not back home for a while yet.
Life is beautiful actually, in Switzerland!
For me….this enigmatic land this still a big “Q”….so here are my 6 “Q” for this “Quantry”:
The place that calls me home.