Finding a slice of paradise in a Lugano hotel?
August 20, 2021, No comments

WE LIKE YOU. That’s what the welcome mat says, matching the slogan on the website, and it’s quite an unusual way to greet guests. The question on my mind was, would I like them? The happy friendly receptionist (she even smiled!) was a good start.

After all, naming a city hotel after Dante could prompt reviews including hot, stuffy, noisy, crowded and every other infernal adjective. Luckily, the LuganoDante comes in at the paradise end of the Dante scale, which isn’t a way of grading hotels but perhaps should be.

The whole ground floor is open plan and newly redesigned with a cool elegance. There’s a bar-cum-lounge, with a nice quieter part for watching the world go past the window, a show kitchen with cheerful chefs and a smart restaurant. All very colourful and comfortable.

I stayed at the old Dante years ago, when the rooms were heavily decorated in gold and red. A makeover has given them a fresher look that’s much more relaxing, and all the mod cons like aircon and USB plugs. The only downside was the rather small bathroom.

A good breakfast, with chefs on hand to cook your eggs, rounded off a very enjoyable stay. Some might prefer to be nearer the lake, but I liked the handy location beside the funicular. As for the design? Not everyone’s cup of tea but nice to see a Swiss hotel doing something new.
Book direct here.
Overall rating: 85%
- Best bits: funky new style, friendly staff, central location.
- Worst bits: some small rooms, quite pricey, not near the lake.
I stayed as a guest of Ticino Tourism but my single use of a double room would normally cost from 197 francs per night including breakfast.
This article is one of a series about Ticino. You can read about Lugano & Locarno, Cardada Cimetta, SwissMiniatur, and twelve fascinating facts about Ticino.